Books about Grief and Healing

About the dr. JOEY RAAB
About 25 years ago, Dr. Joey Raab had a life-changing experience when he witnessed deep emotional pain miraculously vanish leaving happiness in its wake. Since that day, his life's passion has been to learn more about what he experienced by exploring personal growth and techniques for personal healing.
He combines his strong intuitive abilities with years of practicing energetic and emotional healing when working with clients.


The Book for Healing Grief – Learn How to Start Life Again
Grief is an emotional or psychological state caused by a feeling of loss, but books about grief and healing can overcome this. The loss may be the realization of the loss of family and friends, the loss of a job, the loss of a spouse through divorce, or even the loss of opportunities for professional improvement. I am Mourning the loss of someone.
Analyze the emotion
Putting a person to death is a one-way street. It represents someone who is gone forever and will never get back. There is no "found more" clause attached to it. Like all emotions, the only way to fully understand them is to experience them. Sadness is a complex emotion to analyze. Missing someone you love is partly an expression of self-pity. It is also a feeling of regret for all the joys the dead can never share and dreams that never come true. In most cases, these two deprivations are hopelessly linked.
The healing grief book for coping with grief is highly individualized. The time required to reach acceptance, reconciliation, and self-renewal through the grieving process also vary. However, there are some primary universal responses to the grief cycle, and everyone goes through some or all of these stages.
Check the grieving process.
Some people come to terms with the loss and enter the grieving process early. Others live in denial, refusing to accept the reality of the loss and its consequences. The severity of the shock leads to numbness and a kind of emotional numbness. In the event of the sudden loss of a loved one, this emotional passivity acts as a temporary shock absorber, acting as a buffer between the trauma and its reception.
Anger and irritation are common reactions. The bonds of religion and faith have been badly shaken, and hitherto cherished philosophies of life have come to the fore in an explosion of notions of unfair treatment by fate. The healing grief book leads to cheerfulness.
Analyze the factors
The interrogation phase may evolve into analyzing the factors contributing to the loss, which could provoke accusations. These could be faults themselves that something could have been done or something that could have been avoided to prevent the disaster. Alternatively, other persons or agencies such as the hospital or police may be held accountable for who may have been involved in the event of death. When a death is caused by terrorism, kidnapping for ransom, driving error, or similar sudden and completely irrational event, feelings of extreme anger and rage naturally center on the identifiable perpetrator of the incident.
Grief is not easy to deal with, but it must be achieved to move forward. Family and social support systems play a vital role in this regard. Telling family and friends can be a great relief once the immediate trauma has passed. Pure Emotional Magicprovides a cathartic outlet for latent, suppressed feelings and memories. The resumption of physical activity, such as walking, exercising, and working out, is essential to the healing process. In cases of severe trauma or depression, professional counseling should be sought.